Zebra (Burchell´s)
- Average weight male: 313kg
- Average weight female: 302 kg
- Shoulder height male: 136 cm
- Shoulder height female: 134 cm
- Mating season: All year
The Burchell’s zebra is distinguished from the other zebra species by several pattern features. First and foremost are the shadow stripes, which occur within the broad white stripes found on the hindquarters. They also lacks the grid-iron pattern and the dewlap, which is typical on the other species.
The zebra forms small herds, usually 8 to 10 in number, consisting of a stallion, several mares and their foals. Surplus males are ejected from the herd and form bachelor herds.
When hunting zebra, sex is often not specified on the permits, as sex determination is very difficult. However males will generally be slightly larger and have broader necks. Many professional hunter has shot a stallion that instantly became a mare once downed.
Zebra favors the open woodlands and grassy savanna. They avoid the thick bushveld and if alerted, the stallion will most often trail the herd as they flee. He will often stop and look back, which could turn out as a good chance for you. When approaching water, the stallion will most often be in the lead, and when grazing, he will usually stay on the outskirts of the herd.
Zebra is always found where water is abundant, drinks regularly and cannot take advantage of grazing if water is not available. Their main enemy is the lion and they will actively defend the herd, kicking violently and ganging up on any attackers.
If it is the flat skin you are after, be advised that the old stallions will most likely be battle-scarred and worn. Look for a younger male or a mare if a nice clear hide is what you seek. Hunting zebra is best in the early morning or late afternoon.
The .270 Win should be considered minimum equipment with the 30 calibers and bigger being a better choice. Note that this is an extremely tough animal! Shot placement is critical and if poorly placed, you will be in for a very long day and at risk of losing your trophy. As always, sight up the center of the front leg and place your shot between one third and half way into the body. If you are offered the frontal presentation when hunting zebra, place your shot dead center in the chest at the base of the neck.
Hunting zebra is not an easy thing! They are very cautious and protective of each other, and you are in for a challenging hunt on an incredible though animal!
Recommended calibers: .270 Win, 7mm remington magnum, 30-06 and bigger!