

  • Average weight male: 90 kg
  • Average weight female: 70 kg
  • Shoulder height male: 70 cm
  • Shoulder height female: 60 cm
  • Mating season: April, May

The warthog is like his european cousin, a rather popular trophy amongst hunters. Comparing the to pig species, a warthog  has much larger tusks than a european boar, sometimes reaching more than 13 inches. Female warthogs usually have longer tusks than the males, curving high over the snout. The tusks on a male warthog is often thicker than the females and with a smaller curve, making them portrude wide from the mouth. The constant meshing of the upper and lower tusks against each other keep them razor sharp, making the warthog a dangerous adversary.

A warthog favors open ground, grasslands, water holes and pans, and will often be seen in the open woodlands. He especially likes to graze on the newly sprouted grass of a burned out area.

The name comes from the wart-like protrusions on his face; two on the female and four on the male.

They live most often in deserted anteater dens, which they dig out with their hoofs and clear out with their shovel-like snouts. Piglets enter the dens with the head first while the adults back into the burrow.

A warthog will usually drink 1-2 times a day, and he loves wallowing in the mud.

This unique member of the swine family is almost an exclusive grazer. He is not territorial and wanders wherever he pleases. Found in small family groups called “sounders”, mother and piglets stay together for some time (up to 3 years) – while the boar joins the group for mating.

When hunting warthog, try your luck near wet, marshy areas, water holes, and pans. Tusks are readily visible; up to one half will be embedded in the skull. While they have two sets of tusks, upper and lower, only the upper tusks are considered for trophy assessment. When hunting warthog, approach slowly from downwind. His eyesight is poor, but his nose and ears works excellent!

The side-on, high heart shot will be most effective. Sight directly up the front leg to about the body midline and squeeze – your warthog will not go far. The frontal brain shot is common when hunting warthog, as they will often face you if alarmed of your presence. Aim right between the eyes and he will drop to the shot. If he is running away, the “Texas hear shot” is called for – place your shot just below the anus.

Hunting warthog, whether for trophy or meat, can be challenging as well as exciting – give it a try!

Recommended calibers: 6,5 x 55, .243, .270, .308, 30-06