

  • Average weight male: 11 kg
  • Average weight female: 11 kg
  • Shoulder height male: 51 cm
  • Shoulder height female: 51 cm
  • Mating season: All year

The steenbuck is the largest of the mini antelopes associated with the ‘Little Five’. These beautiful little antelopes occur widely on the open plains, not fond of the thick forest, mountains, or desert regions. Only the males carry the very upright horns and they are largely solitary, only found with the ewes when they are in estrus. Like many of the other antelope species, these little guys are most active during the morning and evening hours and, where they are pressured, they tend to be nocturnal.

When hunting steenbuck, stalk carefully, as he will lie flat in the grass to avoid detection. He will only flush at the last moment, running away with great speed. If you can get your heart ‘jump-started’ after this fleeting encounter, be ready, as the steenbuck is sometimes known to pause for a moment to look back before continuing his flight – There is your shot!

Mainly a browser, the steenbuck will occasionally graze on newly sprouted grass. Patience is key when hunting steenbuck. Like the other mini antelope, his super refined senses, relative small size, neutral coloring and his tendency to stay hidden, make him a real challenge to hunt, and he is therefor often taken during a chance encounter, while hunting other game.

No big calibers are needed, and you will probably be forced to shoot with whatever you have in your hands at the time of the sighting. A good scope will be a definite advantage, but 4-6X will be enough, as the shot will most likely not be long. With a side on presentation, the high heart/lung shot is best. Aim straight up the foreleg, one third to one half into the body.  Most expanding bullets will usually anchor this little animal. Be carefull not to choose extremely soft and expanding bullets when hunting specifically for steenbuck, as this may ruin the cape.